Directions to Hoa Son Dien Trang Da Lat

Dien Trang Son Hoa Ecological Tourist Area is located in Sub-zone 159, Ward 5, about 8 km from Dalat center. It is located on the provincial road 725 connecting Da Lat city with Nam Ban town, many people are still known as Ta Nung pass.

Directions to Hoa Son Dien Trang

The road to Son Dien Trang Flower is quite easy, from Da Lat market you turn to the light hamlet on Nguyen Van Cu street – Go straight to the 3/2 street then turn left. Arriving at the big roundabout in front of Saigon Dalat Hotel, turn right to Hoang Van Thu street, continue straight to Van Thanh flower village, then go to Provincial Road 725 or Ta Nung Pass. Come here, you go about 3km more to look at the left hand side, you will see the gate to Hoa Son Dien Trang.

What’s in Hoa Son Dien Trang?

Lac steps to Hoa Son Dien Trang Dalat, you will be surprised with the peaceful and beautiful natural scenery. And especially here you must definitely check-in at the corners of the illusionary god:

From a distance, the heart hovering above the tree is both high and frightening but when climbing up here, looking at the green landscape around, so many anxious feelings seem to disappear. The most special feature of this lonely tree makes many of you “dead and tired” is the red heart model placed horizontally between the trunk. In order to be able to produce beautiful pictures, you have to climb up the stairs to reach the heart.

Giant Buddha’s hand

The most unique point in Son Dien Trang is that people “tense” in check-in is a huge lucky hand, or many people called Buddha’s hands. This giant hand is made based on a foreign legend, made up of vines taken in the primeval forest.

Swings of bird’s nest

The swings of the bird’s nest are designed in circular shape, outside are old-fashioned roots, placed on the rocky muzzle, which is spoiled for creating virtual life.

Besides, Hoa Dien Son Trang also has numerous miniatures for you to take photos such as flower fields, waterfall lake, small landscape around the lake, wooden houses on trees, heaven gate …

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